lundi 7 janvier 2013

Introduction to geology

The subject of geology is very briefly treated here to refresh
designers’ memories, increase awareness of its relevance,

assist in choice of sites, help in site investigations and to
know when to call on specialist advice. It must be appreciated
that at the very least some knowledge of engineering
geology is essential for sound assessment and application

--> of soil mechanics. Many foundation failures have been due
 of soil mechanics. Many foundation failures have been due
to ignorance of geology, and not due to inadequacies in the
study of soils. To restrict the size of this manual the authors
have had to limit the discussion of this important subject;
nor is there any discussion on rock mechanics, since the
overwhelming bulk of building structures, as distinct from
civil engineering works, are founded on soils. Where rock is
encountered in building structure foundations the strength
of even weak, fractured or decompose

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